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Terms and Conditions

Infinity Telecom Services is an authorized channel partner of Tata Play. When you engage with our website to access information, products, services, and resources, you are agreeing to adhere to the terms and conditions set forth in our policy, referred to as the 'User Agreement.' Please be aware that we hold the right to periodically amend the User Agreement without prior notice. It remains your responsibility to review these terms for any updates.


1. Usage & Conduct: Through your usage of our site, you commit to:

   - Furnishing accurate personal information, including email, contact details, identification, phone number, etc.

   - Ensuring the information provided by you is truthful and accurate.

   - Upholding the utmost confidentiality of login information related to your account as you access our resources.

   - Accepting complete responsibility for any activities transpiring within your account(s).

   - Refraining from accessing resources you are not authorized to, through unethical means.

   - Abstaining from engaging in activities that impede or damage our resources, encompassing our servers and networks.


2. Prohibition & Responsibility: You are expressly prohibited from:

   - Copying, reproducing, duplicating, selling, or reselling our resources.

   - Engaging in any actions that might lead to impairment or interference with our resources, servers, or networks.

   - Partaking in any behavior that adversely affects our resources' integrity, security, or performance.

   - Employing any unauthorized means to access or manipulate our resources.


3. Content Submission & Ownership: Our site features open communication tools such as blog posts, comments, message boards, and more. You agree not to post, share, or upload content that is:

   - Abusive, illegal, degrading, deceptive, fraudulent, racist, or defamatory.

   - Infringing upon any patent, trademark, copyright, or trade secret of any other party.

   - Inclusive of any uncertified or unprompted advertising.

   - Impersonating any entity or individual, including employees and representatives.


4. Rights & Removal: We retain the sole right to remove content from our site that we believe violates the User Agreement. We also reserve the right to eliminate content that we find offensive, inaccurate, objectionable, or infringing on third-party copyrights.


5. Ownership of User-Generated Content: Any content posted via our open communication tools becomes the property of You grant us exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide rights to use, reproduce, publish, modify, translate, or display such content at our discretion.


6. Cooperation & Indemnification: By utilizing our site, you agree to cooperate with, including its directors, managers, and employees. You also indemnify us against any damages or losses arising from violating the User Agreement or failing to fulfill any obligation tied to your account.


7. Privacy: Our robust Privacy Policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, processing, management, and security of your private information. It is our commitment to safeguarding your privacy.


8. Limitation of Liability & Warranty: Your usage of our site signifies your understanding that resource availability is subject to change. We do not guarantee their continuous presence. Any claims against us are restricted to the total amount paid for products or services. shall not be held accountable for any direct, incidental, or indirect loss or damage incurred due to the use of our resources, or as a consequence of data loss, changes, or corruption.


9. Copyrights & Trademarks: All materials and content on are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws. This includes text, images, graphics, logos, and the website's code. Unauthorized usage of these materials is strictly prohibited unless authorized by


10. Termination of Use: Your usage of our website implies acceptance of our discretion to terminate or suspend your access to our resources and website, with or without prior notice, for reasons including breaches of the User Agreement. In cases of suspected fraudulent or illegal activities, termination will be accompanied by reporting to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Post-termination, you will lose access to our resources, and we reserve the right to delete all your information, including your account and login details.


11. Cancellation & Refund: Once payment is made, cancellation will not be possible. Refunds will only be granted in cases of cancellation by due to non-performance on our part.


12.Governing Law : While our website is accessible worldwide, it is based in Chennai. By using our site, you agree to abide by Tamil Nadu laws without regard to the United Nations Conventions on International Sales of Goods. Any disputes related to the User Agreement enforcement shall be brought to the Federal or State courts of Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

13. Guarantee : does not acknowledge any warranties or conditions unless specified explicitly. While we strive to provide the best service, it is essential to understand that specific registrations depend on factors such as your company's history and government agencies.

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